Cross-border discrimination - ECC-net report

Wednesday, 15th January 2014

European consumers face difficulties when buying services cross-border, reveals the latest report published on November 29, 2013 by the European Consumer Centre Network (ECC-Net).

"Commissioner for Consumer policy, Neven Mimica said: "Creating a true single market and enabling e-commerce to fulfil its potential growth could generate benefits of up to €200 billion for consumers. Unjustified discrimination based on the nationality or place of residence in the provision of services is forbidden by EU law. I want to make sure that consumers know their rights and that these rights are fully respected and enforced.""

Fraud in cross-border e-Commerce - ECC-net report

Wednesday, 15th January 2014

A new report by the European Consumer Centre Network (ECC-Net) investigates the scams faced by consumers when shopping online. The report focuses on fraud in cross-border e-commerce and what consumers can do to protect themselves from online fraud.

"12% of internet users across the EU have already experienced online fraud, and 8% have fallen victim to identity theft. The highest figures of internet users that say they have experienced online fraud are in Poland (18%), Hungary (17%), Malta (16%) and UK (16%), while respondents in Greece (3%), Slovenia (6%) and Spain (7%) are least likely to have experienced online fraud."

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