Perchè è importante ottimizzare il proprio sito per dispositivi mobile?
Saturday, 30th August 2014
"Secondo una recente indagine condotta da Cisco Consulting Service, circa le abitudini degli utenti di telefonia mobile in Italia e circa l’utilizzo di dispositivi, applicazioni e delle tecnologie di accesso mobile sono emersi dati molto interessanti."
"L’indagine è stata condotta su circa 620 utenti dotati di una connessione broadband e possessori di almeno uno smartphone, distribuiti sul territorio nazionale sia in aree urbane sia non urbane, di diverse età ed estrazione sociale. Dallo studio è emerso che gli italiani hanno una passione sfrenata per i dispositivi mobili, in quanto ne possiedono più di tre ciascuno, mentre oltre l’80% degli intervistati ha dichiarato di avere un computer portatile ed il 73,5% usa lo smartphone. A possedere un tablet è invece il 35,6% ed un’alta percentuale di intervistati ha dichiarato di utilizzare un po’ di tutto: portatili, smartphone, tablet, eReader e dispositivi di mobile gaming."
"Il 67% degli italiani si fida del mobile"
"A fronte di questi dati la risposta al titolo di quest’articolo risulta abbastanza ovvia, ovvero che risulta fondamentale avere un sito ottimizzato per dispositivi mobile dal momento che la stragrande maggioranza degli italiani naviga attraverso smartphone e soprattutto che il 67% degli utenti dichiara di concludere meglio i propri acquisti su siti che presentano anche una versione mobile. Risulta dunque davvero importante progettare siti internet dinamici e responsive in maniera tale che al variare dello schermo del dispositivo sul quale viene visualizzato il sito, esso si adatti automaticamente."
"Dunque per concludere avere un sito ottimizzato anche per dispositivi mobile oltre che per desktop significa avere più probabilità di trasformare i propri visitatori in clienti comportando un impatto positivo sul tasso di conversione del proprio sito web ed è per questo motivo che noi di…"
Ecco il link ufficiale alla ricerca.
96% of enterprise businesses ‘feeling the pressure’ of digital transformation
Wednesday, 27th August 2014
In terms of their markets and their business models, the vast majority of companies surveyed are under significant pressure from the shift to digital.
"The landscape for brands has been fundamentally altered. The rise of the mobile-first, always-online consumer has meant companies have had to adapt or in many cases completely relearn what they previously knew about marketing."
"The digital age has brought new companies to the fore, thriving in an environment they helped to nurture and further revolutionise, but even these would companies wouldn’t be so blasé to say that they are perfectly comfortable with continued shifts towards an always-on lifestyle. 4% say that ‘little has changed’ in their sector over the last several years."
"19% are driving that change and more than 40% are working to adapt to it despite feeling challenged. But for 36% of the consumer enterprises we studied, market shifts have left them feeling ‘under pressure and vulnerable."
"55% of mainstream companies say that they’ve already created some fluidity in roles and lowered silo walls to a significant extent."
More info here.
Online payments providers affected by consumers' fraud-related fears
Wednesday, 27th August 2014
49% of internet users worldwide felt vulnerable while shopping online or making online transactions.
"42% of users would use online payment systems more often if they felt they were protected from cyber fraud."
"62% of users fear financial fraud on the internet, while 40% of those who make payments online are sure that even the official mobile applications offered by financial companies require more protection before they are truly secure. In addition, 37% of users report terminating a financial operation in the middle of the process because they were unsure about the security of the transaction."
More info here.
Half of UK online shoppers purchase with international retailers
Tuesday, 26th August 2014
Almost half (48%) of UK online shoppers have made an online purchase with a retailer based outside the UK.
"Price and availability are the main reasons why UK online consumers prefer cross-border shopping. 60% of the respondents who have shopped cross border claim that they choose to purchase with a retailer outside of the UK because of better prices, while another 60% said that they made the purchase because they could not find the product they wanted in the UK. Another 18% stated their purchase decision was driven by better products on offer."
"Clothing, footwear and jewellery are the most popular items with UK shoppers to purchase from a retailer aboard, followed by music, books and gifts - items whose size and weight are not likely to add too much to any costly delivery charges.The results reveal that the majority of UK consumers spend up to GBP 50 per transaction with international retailers. Two thirds (64%) of cross-border shoppers who have purchased clothing, footwear or jewellery have spent up to GBP 50, whilst a similar number (68%) have spent a similar amount with retailers outside the UK when purchasing gifts."
"Delivery charges and timescales still remain the biggest barriers for people purchasing overseas."
More info here.
Norway: only 6% of digital purchases are made on mobile phones - report
Monday, 25th August 2014
Twelve percent of digital purchases were made on tablets and only 6% were made on mobile phones in Norway.
"80% of business-to-consumer (B2C) digital purchases in that time period were made on a computer."
"The number of purchases made on mobile phones and tablets varied significantly with age. Internet users ages 30 to 39 were most likely to be mobile commerce buyers, and nearly one-fifth (18%) of digital purchases they made were on tablets. Another 12% were made via mobile phone."
"Older internet users were less likely to use mobile phones and tablets for buying goods or services on the web. Seven percent of digital purchases made by internet users ages 60 and up were via tablet, and only 1% were made on a mobile phone. Two percent were unspecified, meaning that 90% of digital purchases they made were via computer or laptop."
"In terms of B2C ecommerce sales in Norway, the largest share (87%) came from computers and laptops during Q1 2014. Another 9% of sales came from digital purchases made on tablets and only 1% were from digital purchases made on mobile phones. The fact that the share of digital purchases made via mobile phones is somewhat higher than its share of sales indicates that mobile phones tend to be used for smaller, less expensive purchases. For example, mobile phone buyers in Norway tend to purchase train and bus tickets fairly commonly on their devices, and use computers and laptops when they want to buy bigger, more expensive items on the web."
More info here.
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