For e-Commerce web performance, milliseconds matter

Monday, 3rd February 2014

CenturyLink published last year an article, how web performance influences e-commerce.

"You can have the most beautiful e-commerce site in the world, but if the page doesn't load fast enough, people will leave!"

"Kissmetrics found 40 percent of visitors abandon websites taking more than three seconds to load, and 79 percent of shoppers dissatisfied with website performance are less likely to buy from the same site again.

"This same study also found a one-second delay in page response can result in a 7 percent reduction in conversions. This means if your e-commerce site makes $100,000 per day, a one-second page delay could potentially cost you $2.5 million in lost sales every year. (...) People will visit a website less often if it is slower than a close competitor by more than 250 milliseconds (a millisecond is a thousandth of a second)."

"Right now, studies find mobile users a little more forgiving, with many willing to wait 6 to 10 seconds before abandoning a page. But as the mobile web becomes the norm, it won't be long before user expectations change.  Currently nearly 75 percent of mobile users say they've encountered a website that was too slow to load."


eCommerce Beyond the Cities: How to Reach Rural Consumers and Navigate Logistics

Sunday, 2nd February 2014

According to this, rising Internet penetration and adoption of online shopping among the masses across the India, force companies selling products and services through websites to look at smaller cities in order to expand their business.

"According to eBay India Census 2012 report eCommerce is here to stay. The research findings were based on an analysis of all online buying and selling transactions by Indians on eBay between July 1, 2011 and December 31, 2012. The marketplace had around 4500 eCommerce hubs during the time of study, of which over a thousand hubs were located in rural India, indicating that consumers in the smaller towns of India are a major force in this online growth story."

"eCommerce companies face a number of operational hurdles, especially in rural areas - given the poor infrastructure available in those parts of the country. The low literacy rate in the country is the another problem for the growth of eCommerce, as even the educated people in rural areas are not able to handle cyber technology."

“In recent years, rural markets have acquired significance, as the overall growth of the Indian economy has resulted in the substantial increase in the purchasing power of the rural communities. In fact estimates show rural markets are growing much faster than urban markets. But there are a number of factors hindering the growth of eCommerce in the country, biggest of which are low Internet penetration, payments and distribution logistics.”

"eCommerce companies struggle to reach the unreachables in many remote areas including many states in Northeast India due to poor transportation facility."

Argentina: e-commerce booms 48.5% in 2013

Saturday, 1st February 2014

According to this, online commerce in Argentina has jumped 48.5% in 2013 with EUR 1.37 billion spent in online purchases carried out by 12 million people.

"The growth of internet users and companies who sell products online together with a wider variety of products offered, more safety measures and increased user confidence are some of the reasons behind the increase."

"Transport and tourism-related tickets have continued to top the list of online purchases with EUR 364 million (28.7%) spent in 2013. Electronic goods and accessories were second on the list and reached EUR 100 million in sales (10.9%), followed by food and drinks (7.8%), mobile phone purchases (6.7%) and home supplies (3.7%). (...) Results show that in 2013, 73.4% of internet users undertook web research on prices and brands before going to a store to buy their desired products. This has led online marketplaces to boost regular store purchases."

"Online shoppers have spent an average EUR 6 and undertook between two and six purchases. Half of the respondents have declared they chose online transactions for convenience and paid for their purchases with credit or debit cards."

"43% of large companies and 36% of small and medium companies sold their products online, representing an increase compared to 2012. While 76% of the companies used social media networks to communicate information, only 40% used them to offer their products. Only 10% of the clicks on e-commerce websites were a result of social media networks."

Twitter commerce - t-commerce

Saturday, 1st February 2014

Re/code published first look into how will future of e-commerce look like. Images published were found by Re/code and have not been verified by Twitter or Fancy.

"Twitter looks likely to partner with at least one online commerce site,, which will let users purchase products inside the Twitter app and website. It is part of a new program called Twitter Commerce, according to these documents."

"As the screenshots show, the Twitter Commerce tweets will appear inside of Twitter users streams, much like the company’s Promoted Tweet advertising products. Some Commerce tweets will also show up inside Twitter’s Discover section, which shows off a mix of activity from a user’s network of people they follow (including, interestingly enough, products that people you follow have purchased, according to the screenshots)."

"Expand the tweet, and you’ll see photos of the product for sale, along with a description of the item and a section for related products for purchase. From there, you’re prompted to enter your name, address and credit card information, all “handled securely within the Twitter app,” according to the documentation. It looks as if Commerce customers may be able to track the shipping status of their order on a map, and receive shipping updates."

Future of e-commerce - infographic

Saturday, 1st February 2014

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="606"] From Perception Blog[/caption]

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