Thanks to URENCO!

Monday, 23rd March 2015

Bridge Community Farms is pleased to have sponsorship from local company URENCO UK Ltd to help develop Mill Lane Farm.

With their help we are ploughing ahead to create permanent and sustainable jobs to people who are long-term unemployed, by growing and selling organic fruit, vegetables, salads and herbs.

We are currently looking for volunteers to help set up and develop the farms facilities, for more information and to get involved please contact Collette at 07847 824 910 or email

Could you volunteer with Bridge Community Farms?

Thursday, 12th March 2015

Bridge Community Farms will be launching in summer and we are looking for volunteers from the local community and businesses to join the team and help us over the coming months.

We are particularly keen to attract volunteers with skills to do the following:

  • Help with basic horticultural activities such as planting trees and propagation
  • Help to set up and run a market stall selling fruit and vegetables
  • Support people with learning disability, physical disabilities and mental health problems using the farm as a therapeutic, educational and work experience environment.

If you are interested in joining us, please contact Collette on 07847 824 910 or e-mail us at

Preparations underway for our launch in summer

Friday, 20th February 2015

Last week we welcomed Councillors Justin Madders, Angela Claydon and Ben Powell to the Mill Lane site as the first foundations were laid. 

They official designated the site of a Community Green in a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Mill Lane Community Green will be a space available for local residents to hold outdoor events that benefit the community.

Pictured above (L>R): Ola Rug (newly appointed Deputy Farm Manager), David Fletcher (Farm Manager), John Hickey (Localities Manager at local council), Cllr Angela Claydon, Cllr Ben Powell, Cllr Justin Madders, Joan Webber (local resident and Ellesmere Port Scrutiny), Francis Ball (MD of Bridge Community Farms)

Councillor Angela Claydon said: “I think the Community Green is a marvellous idea for our local community, which will give an extra space for people to hold outdoor community events such as concerts and fun days. We are looking now for a group of local residents to run the site and organise activities so if anyone is interested, please contact us and let us know.”

We have also laid the first foundations for raised beds, which will be planted with vegetables and herbs as part of therapeutic activity for local people with mental health problems, learning disabilities and physical disabilities. The beds are being built by Access 2 Training and Employment, a local community interest company that offers practical training to young people who might otherwise struggle to find work.

Councillor Justin Madders said: “It’s good to see such a different and new idea for the town and I’m very pleased that a piece of land that wasn’t really going to be put to any use has been rejuvenated. I think it’s something that’s going to be of real benefit for anyone that wants to get involved.”

Francis Ball, Director of Bridge Community Farms, said: “The site is really starting to take shape and we are excited about getting ready to open in the summer. We are particular pleased that we will be able to give over so much space to the Mill Lane Community Green and we are looking forward to hosting all sorts of events over the coming months.”

We are looking for people to volunteer with us - if you’d like to get involved please contact Collette on 07847 824 910 or email

How Content Marketing is Used in B2B Marketing - Infographic

Wednesday, 31st December 2014


The 36 Rules Of Social Media - infographic

Tuesday, 30th December 2014


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